Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One Hundred Truths.

1. Last beverage: Green Tea Vanilla Boom
2. Last phone call: Yiyun
3. Last text message: "Idiot. :) Call soon." -B
4. Last song you listened to: All the same-Sick Puppies
5. Last time you cried: May 22nd, when I realised something about myself.

6. Dated someone twice: NOPE.
7. Been cheated on: Hmm.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Definitely no.
9. Lost someone special: Yeah.
10. Been depressed: I have mild depression sometimes. (:
11. Been drunk and threw up: Not the throwing up part though.

12. Red
13. Black
14. Grey

15. Made a new friend:
Of course.

16. Fallen out of love:
And in love, again.

17. Laughed until you cried:

18. Met someone who changed you:
"You made things changed for me." Yes, you know who you are.

19. Found out who your true friends were:
Was reassured that they were true.

20. Found out someone was talking about you:

21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list:
Ho ho ho.

22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life:
Many many!

23. How many kids do you want to have:
4. :0

24. Do you have any pets:
Moudly fishes. Hahaha.

25. Do you want to change your name:
I need a Christian name.

26. What did you do for your last birthday:
We went to Billy Bombers, and then Clarke Quay, Cheesecake cafe. It was great.

27. What time did you wake up today:
6.24a.m. Sucks.

28. What were you doing at midnight last night:
On the phone. I wasn't allowed to hang up.

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
Everything that's going to happen.

30. Last time you saw your Mother:
Six minutes ago?

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:
To love instead of letting others getting hurt by loving me.

32. What are you listening to right now:
Does the steady wind blowing in my face by my powerful fan count?

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:
Don't think so.

34. What's getting on your nerves right now:
Stuff. Oh, that I couldn't borrow Head Games just now at MPL. :(

35. Most visited webpage:
I'll have to think about this one.

36. Whats your real name:
Tan Yi Ting.

37. Nicknames:
Shitting, TAN!, tingting.

38. Relationship Status:
Not single?!

39. Zodiac sign:

40. Male or female?:

41. Elementary?:
Haig Girls'.

42. Middle School?:
Tanjong Katong Girls'.

43. High school/college?:

44. Hair colour:
Dark brown

45. Long or short:
Shoulder length

46. Height:
164 cm. :(

47. Do you have a crush on someone?:
Yes, and something more than that.

48: What do you like about yourself?:
I'm not sure.

49. Piercings:
2, hopefully more.

50. Tattoos:

51. Righty or lefty:

52. First surgery:

None, yet.

53. First piercing:
It was a 12th birthday present.

54. First best friend:
Grace Ooi.

55. First sport you joined:
Hahaha, nothing! Swimming?

56. First vacation:
Malaysia, probably.

58. First pair of trainers:
New balance.

59. Eating:


60. Drinking:

61. I'm about to:
Wash my hair.

62. Listening to:
I'm yours- The Script

63. Waiting on:
No one.

64. Want kids?:


65. Get Married?:
If it doesn't screw up too fast.

66. Career?:
Let's let fate decide.

67. Lips or eyes:


68. Hugs or kisses:

69. Shorter or taller:
Tall tall tall!

70. Older or Younger:

71. Romantic or spontaneous:

72. Nice stomach or nice arms:

73. Sensitive or loud:

74. Hook-up or relationship:

Truthfully? Both. Hahaha. But relationships are better, definitely.

75. Trouble maker or hesitant:
Both. I cater to a wide range. (:

76. Kissed a stranger:


77. Drank hard liquor:
I think so?

78. Lost glasses/contacts:
My glasses broke into half while playing catching, I think.

79. Sex on first date:

80. Broken someone's heart:
Have I?

82. Been arrested:
Not yet.

83. Turned someone down:

84. Cried when someone died:

85. Fallen for a friend?:
It's complicated!

86. Yourself:


87. Miracles:

88. Love at first sight:

89. Heaven:

90. Santa Claus:
You never know!

91. Kiss on the first date:
It all depends.

92. Angels:
Especially human ones.

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time:

Can't remember! Hahaha, kidding. No lah.

95. Did you sing today?:
Hummed to myself.

96. Ever cheated on somebody?:
It was more of, I'm-not-serious-about-you kind of a thing.

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?:
Five or six. Hell, I have so much things to re-do.

98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?:
I'm not saying.

99. Are you afraid of falling in love?:
Nervous love is good sometimes.

100. Posting this as 100 truths?:
What do you think?

There's a ring on her finger to show his love is true.

- credits to Sathrin.

3/2- highest points for spot-check. And we failed last term's. YEAH.
Geography Elective is probably my best subject. Ack.

How do you know you're certain of some things?
How do you believe you love, when you're not sure?
Why do people have to lose, to learn how to treasure?


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I like the way things are now.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The best day, with you, today.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

December 08'.

Yesterday had dinner, talked to a two-year old-

"So Hannah, what's your surname?"

My mum and dad have signed up for piano classes. Help.

I think my heart's locked. Damnit. Maybe it's the weather.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

I think
It's been
All 94 days
Of you.

She's going to rule this world-

Friday, May 22, 2009

I am such a fucking bad friend.

Tutti Fratelli.

My eyes feel funny.
Failed Amath, the first subject I have ever failed in my whole entire life.
Surprise, eh.
Taught my first RCV lesson to the Sec ones. Hahahaha. I sucked.
Bought Jelly Joy for Yiyun.
Yesterday went to Kallang Leisure to watch Night at the Museum 2.
With my brother, and Yan xin. Had supper after that till 12 plus.
Shin ron's party.

Do you think 1 has an STD?

Got this off WS's blog. Hahahahhaa.

My sister started watching Boys Over Flowers. Omg. Last Saturday we were watching it and she was scoffing and sneering at our poor taste, then I caught her watching it on the com. HAHAHHAA.

My brother is obsessed over Richard Cresswell now, thanks to me. :) Actually not really me, but who cares. HAHA. I am not going to dedicate a post to you. Not yet, at least.



I like Saturday. And you.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nothing better to do, so I shall quote Taylor Swift.

Fearless is having fears, having lots of doubts. Living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is falling madly in love again, even when you've been hurt before. Letting go is fearless, then moving on and being alright, that's fearless too. But no matter. what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. You have to believe in love stories and prince charmings and happily ever after. That's why I write these songs, because I think love is fearless.

I wish I was fearless.
You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier

I have been spending way too much money on food. Some scallop burger, lemon garlic mussels (muscles, hahhaa), apple soda, berrylite strawberry, subway cookies! I miss sec 2. Everyone's so bland and bleak, grown up, boring. We can't laugh anymore, hang out as this huge 2/3 clique or play catching in the classroom block anymore.
Weisze beat me in arm wrestling today. NO ONE BEATS ME IN ARM WRESTLING! >:O I have red cross trained arm muscles. HAHA.

Anyway, you idiot. I miss you. (:

Friday, May 15, 2009

Knowing what you are is also knowing what you're not.

I need someone to watch the Hottie and the Nottie with me, again. Properly, this time. Haha.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I want to watch the Hottie and the Nottie again and again.
If WS laughs at me if I cry I will punch her face in, and out. And in again.
I have given you fair warning. :D

Bryan Keefe Cresswell, I am not going ice-skating with you. Ha.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Yesterday went to Orchard and Borders at Wheelock, then went to Sake, tortured ourselves by making hand-made wasabi balls and popping them in our mouths. Hand-made meaning we rolled them ourselves. Hahahha. Then walked around, didn't do much, except we thought we saw Jay Chou buying ice-cream, then went to stand right beside him, and turns out he wasn't him. Hilarious. Later went to Raffles City, River Island, then sat down at Macs.
I can't even remember what happened but I laughed alot.
I'm banned from going out now. I'm forced to strengthen mother-daughter bonds by spending time with Mum. Ugh.

Fall to fly.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I swear, I can't take it anymore.
At least my heart can't.
I probably got it too good anyway.
It's AM and I don't want to sleep.
I can't.

Stef drew this for me on 9 July, 2008.
RE: ‏
From: This person is online yiting tan (
Sent: 12 May 2009 23: 50PM

Sometimes people lose all desire, or will, to go back to what was left.
For me, probably.
I don't want to fucking care.
I feel like such a baby sometimes, immature, foolish, sensitive.
I don't know what I want, still don't after all this while.

Subject: RE:
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 17:53:17 +0800

I'm really sorry.

Well, there are so many things in life that we think are not within our ability to fix, but they are. We simply have to swallow our pride, have that bit of faith and take that bold step. I'm not going to try to give you advice when I barely know the situation you're in. But just remember you're not alone. I'm here with you. And is there anything I can do to make you feel better?

Love you.

P.S. I'm going to get myopia like this, you know.

Subject: RE:
Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 16:29:42 +0800

I fucked it up already, den.

> From:
> To:
> Subject:
> Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 05:12:02 -0700
> Only time will tell.

Den will probably get mad after making this public, but I think it's meaningful. Haha.
"He so popular, everyone wants to say his name!"
"Me too, I also want to say!"

During dinner-
brother: Oh, so you saying I'm gay?

Glitter glue.

Angel of Mercy
How did you find me?
Where did you read my story?
Pulled from the papers
Desperate and hardened
seeking a momentary fix

All I wanted to say
All I wanted to do
Is fall apart now
All I wanted to feel
I wanted to love
Its all my fault now
A Tragedy I fear

Angel of Mercy
How did you find me?
How did you pick me up again?
Angel of Mercy
How did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
And I see you

Whoa Whoa Whoa
I feel you
Whoa Whoa Whoa

Sometimes, most of the time now, I think I've lost all ability to feel already.
When there's so much fucking emotions draining you, and then it leaves you-
You're helpless.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

You're only fifteen once.

This picture is anicent.

Kimbo, thank you. Honestly.
We go back a long way, from SK2 (if you even remember?!) to playing in the Bugis arcade with the balls into the penguin's mouth. I won't forget you, I'll try not to. (:
Thanks for crying for me when I was sad. It really made me feel better.
I know you'll have a great birthday, armed with Kelvins and muscled neighbours.
Love you.
There you were in your black dress
Moving slow to the sadness
I could watch you dance for hours
I could take you by my side

Love is an ugly, twisted thing.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Only fools fall in love.

The Playground Mafia.

I remember, crying in the park, it was getting dark
Suddenly I looked up
You were my sky
So go on and
Sleep darling
Why don't you pretend we were just a dream
It's cool baby
It doesn't matter anyway
I'm so sorry
We got to the station a little too late
It's such a shame
We just missed the train

Be quiet angel, don't make a sound
Save it for a rainy day
Oh can't you see me, I'm such a mess
trying hard to find my way

Do you remember, wasting all that time, we were feeling fine
Though we couldn't walk a line
We were alright

So go on and
Sleep darling
Why don't you pretend we were just a dream
It's cool baby
It doesn't matter anyway
I'm so sorry
We got to the station a little too late
It's such a shame
We just missed the train

Haven't been on the computer for such a long time, I've become such a nerd wannabe it's scaring me.
Anyway, I really can't wait for Tuesday, IKEA therapy. Hahaha.
I miss not studying, or coming back home way later then 1.50 p.m.
Happy birthday Sathrin, thanks for paying for my Milo-Mcflurry today. (:
Breakfast with WS today, toppled over a whole tray of food, everyone was staring their heads off.
Then she took out Kimbo's orange-purple bag and showcased it around.
Everyone was gawking for the wrong reasons.

Do you sometimes wish you could be five again, you were happy, simply happy then?