Friday, January 29, 2010

To tell you I love you.

I have huge veins. So ugly, like a fifty year old. And my stupid LG can't connect to the com to upload anything. :(

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Note to God.

Hello. I'm not dead.

Anyway, life is same old same old, except I've realised how small Singapore is. Which is cool, cause coincidences happen, miracles, in fact. And you wonder, wow must be some sort of fate. Hahahaha what the heck lah whatever. But there is some truth in that. (:

Hate grappling with my feelings. UGH. School is surreal and suffocating(sometimes), I don't know why. It's the class. That sounds bitchy. Hahahhahahahahaa. Okay it's me then. At least I've grown closer to some people. Which I like. (:

Me and Ph tried making a pact. Actually we did, over lunch, and swearing promising it with waffles. I guess some things are too late to amend already, you know. It's like boom and there goes the year, there goes that friend you drifted apart from but never bothered to get back to.

Oh, speaking of which. I made up with a friend. ((((((: Hate it when it's awkward, seriously. So it's good. Haha.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Desperately trying to salvage my Chinese. I just feel connected to the language okay??!???!!??! This post feels like a conversation.

Shall end this off with my email name I created in p4. Life is looking good.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hit me.

Just give me a damn good reason. Tell me why I feel so fucked up and angry. I'm sorry but I can't help it that I have expectations, or excitement, because I was looking forward to it.

Helpless. I want to learn how to grow up but I don't know how to. Grow up meaning independent meaning comfortable with constant shit around meaning PMS but don't show it. Meaning, able to handle things 'maturely'.

No mood to upload the piczx. Yes the ah lianiness just lightened the tension. Anyway, hope everyone is having a better time then I am! (:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Don't play with me. :(

Friday, January 1, 2010


Watchnight service was such a bore, played with sparklers afterwards but I seem to have lost interest in childhood reminiscing. Supper with James, HY and Samuel till 2. Heart to heart/bitch talk with sis for an hour about lots of people. It's (sadly) amazing that a thirteen year friendship can just disintegrate into nothing in a span of a few months. I look at you and I have no words to say. Siti came over today. Ended up having to teach that bimbo math. Then later met up with mum's clique. OKAY YAK YAK I AM JUST BLABBING ON ABOUT TODAY LIKE IT'S THAT INTERESTING. I'm doing stupid Smart Class Geog and it's killing me. Haven't made any resolutions yet. They are made to be broken. (: This is so freaking boring. I feel sticky and grumpy. Bleh. Have been shopping quite a bit. And just enjoying freedom. I want to do something wild and wacky, on impulse, and have fun doing it. Mich and I tried on bikinis today. Let's just say she's much more well endowed than I am. Getting wayyy too public now. It's in the genes. Yay CP in one hour plus!! ((:

I should delete this blog. Like who gives two hoots about what I'm doing today anyway. Gosh.