Friday, January 1, 2010


Watchnight service was such a bore, played with sparklers afterwards but I seem to have lost interest in childhood reminiscing. Supper with James, HY and Samuel till 2. Heart to heart/bitch talk with sis for an hour about lots of people. It's (sadly) amazing that a thirteen year friendship can just disintegrate into nothing in a span of a few months. I look at you and I have no words to say. Siti came over today. Ended up having to teach that bimbo math. Then later met up with mum's clique. OKAY YAK YAK I AM JUST BLABBING ON ABOUT TODAY LIKE IT'S THAT INTERESTING. I'm doing stupid Smart Class Geog and it's killing me. Haven't made any resolutions yet. They are made to be broken. (: This is so freaking boring. I feel sticky and grumpy. Bleh. Have been shopping quite a bit. And just enjoying freedom. I want to do something wild and wacky, on impulse, and have fun doing it. Mich and I tried on bikinis today. Let's just say she's much more well endowed than I am. Getting wayyy too public now. It's in the genes. Yay CP in one hour plus!! ((:

I should delete this blog. Like who gives two hoots about what I'm doing today anyway. Gosh.

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