Monday, June 29, 2009

Does it feel good to you, to rain on my parade?

One day I'll wake up and realise that I should have never cared for you.
And I think that day was today.

Today at Burger King-

Collided straight, total body contact with some guy.
Found out he was assistant manager.

Sathrin realised her burger was only 6 inches when it stated in the advert it was supposed to be 7 inches.

"1 inch is a lot."

So, we both went to the counter and gently complained. The counter woman called the assistant manager. He didn't look too happy. (I don't know if it was because I smashed into him or it was because we wanted a new burger.)

" It is seven inches."
" It's not. We measured." (We did actually, with a ruler.)

In the end they gave us a complimentary meal, upsized fries and Sprite.

"It's a good day today."

Rushed home to do Geog slides/ worksheet but haven't even completed it yet, and it's way past the dateline of 5 pm. Jenny Lim will obviously minus our marks. Damnit.

Today found out in class that so many others like Junpyo. Min-ho fans unite! (:

It doesn't actually hurt.

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