Friday, July 24, 2009


I am going to study my eyes out this week!

Yesterday in the mrt my gastric started working up again. Fucking awful lah. I was like, trembling or something, alighted at city hall and went to the toilet. The queue was had like 45 people, I was about to cry. I didn't. Went to the basement toilet, had six people. Probably stayed in the toilet for an hour. I think pain is my worst fear. Be it emotional or physical.

I need more time. For everything. I don't want to waste my life and end up never doing things I've always wanted to.

Tat huey and Andria asked me to flirt with the china girl in class. HAAHHAHA. Sorry I let you both down. I think 3/2 is the most touchy-feely class ever. I shouldn't get influenced. (:

Why the heck is everyone reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid?! Sathrin you pangsehed me. Elizabeth also. Anyone wants to read it, I have the first two. It's my brother's. No, I'm not lying. Haha.

We don't even know what we're fighting for.

Monday, July 20, 2009

What happened to the Guacamoles?

Today got paid $5 for this girl, (I think her name's Namreena) to do standing broad jump for. Hehe. It's quite funny 'cause she's not even chinese, and I got away with it! The teacher seemed so heck-care because she said she wanted to pee after my turn. After that went to bubbletea shop with Paige, Rach, Karen and later Theresa. Haven't been there in ages lah. MY SHOULDER IS FUCKING PAINFUL I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. IT'S AWFUL! >:0 Shit.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009


I used Sathrin's phone to take this. Haha, I think Aqilah drew it.

Sold my Irresistable Apple Bath&Body Works to Rachel and she went around distributing it to the whole class. Hahaha. Gave her discount also. :(

Went with Peihua to Bishan to go on an eating binge spree, first oyster mee sua and XXL chicken, next mee pok, then strawberry ice shavings dessert thing with strawberries, afterwards Toastbox with butter-sugar and pork floss toasts with two cups of tea.

We were sitting down at Toastbox and Peihua was complaining she wanted two soft-boiled eggs, she's never eaten it before. I refused and asked her to look at the guy beside us who was eating soft-boiled eggs. Three seconds later I realised who that guy was. Guess who.

Michael Jackson!

Kidding, of course not. Hahaha. Shaun Chen, that mediacorp artiste who just got married to Michelle Chia. Peihua didn't know who he was because she doesn't support local productions. We made such a huge racket, he kept glancing at us. Peihua whispered damn loudly to me somemore, (we know how she is! (: ) and she wanted to type on my phone, "Can I have your autograph?" and pass my phone to him. Too bad he walked away. He seemed sad/lonely so maybe his marriage has problems.

Today went to Ajisen with WS, got interrupted abruptly and had to do an errand. You un-fearless girl. Don't hit me for saying that. Haha. Went to library to do nothing, had an accident with my milk tea, resulted with my hair gettin slightly wet. I love scaring the pigeons in the open field at Marine Parade there.

"Cheap thrillllll lah you."

I think my skin have peeled like ten layers off and there's holes on my fingers. I don't think Den will ever take the guitar like this.

You know sometimes when she's talking to you, or saying she's sorry and you're hearing, not listening because you've already stopped believing in her a long time ago. You've heard the same words she's using, whatever faith you had, or hope that maybe she'll stop disappointing like this is gone, cut off. You manage a polite, hurt smile and see her walk off without saying anything you feel about her. She doesn't understand.

Miss Eng said something about the middle child being sensitive. I agree to a large extent.

Do you know what it feels like, loving someone, who's in the rush to throw you away?
Do you know what it feels like, to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Twenty-one guns.

And I'm alright
Standing in the streetlights here
Is this meant for me
My time on the outside is over
We don't know how you're spending
all of your days
Knowing that love isn't here
You see the pictures
But you don't know their names
Cause love isn't here

And I can't do this by myself
All of these problems, they're all in your head
And I can't be somebody else
You took something perfect
And painted it red

Subway lunch with Sathrin. I'm really begining to like Subway!
Makes you feel like you're not consuming junk.
Couldn't get over the "HEY MONKEY!" thing me and Tat huey
was laughing over non-stop.
It's one of those jokes that never grow old.
Amath was surprisingly okay, but no high hopes involved. Later I
fail then I'll have to keep my mouth shut.


Who's the bitch now?


Love isn't here.


My life is so boring.

Monday, July 13, 2009

This used to be a funhouse.

But now it's full of evil clowns.

I didn't realise it'll feel this good after letting go of someone completely.
I wasn't that hard, was it?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cold turkey.

Went out yesterday with Paige, Rach and Tat Huey to homeclub flea @ Clarke Quay. I seriously thought Rachel would know the way, but she didn't! Got lost and wandered about like idiots, got quite attracted to the cooking show going on at Central. So after walking for days and nights, we managed to find it. Bought two identical necklaces, got cheated off the first one, Paige bought the second for me( I OWE YOU ONE BABE!) and went around saying "PEIHUA!" or "AMANDA!". Then shamelessly camwhored with geek spectacles and cyclops looking sunglasses in front of the stall owners. Had to leave early and go for dinner with dad's secondary three classmates. It was darn funny. They took out their class photo in sec 3 and talked about themselves then. Found out my dad was the geeky one whom everyone copied their amath homework from. HAHA. He looks super pai kia/bad boy in his class photo. Quite cool. (: Ate a lot, talked to some 21 year-old guy with a cool accent.

One of the guys there works in the laundry business in San Francisco, and he told me a joke which I can't get over. My dad didn't get it. Everyone teased him after that.

"When people ask me what I work as, I tell them it's a secret."
"Huh, why?"
" I do Victoria's Secret."

HAHAHAHAHAHAH DAMN FUNNY LAH! I forgot what the actual words were but I was laughing like shit. Bet like everyone doesn't get it and don't think it's funny but it it's the coolest joke.

Someone buy me the PCD album!!! The very first one. I know the songs are pretty mindless and empty but I love it and lost my old CD. >:( The songs are way better than their newest album.

Nobody gonna love me better
I must stick with you forever.
Nobody gonna take me higher
I must stick with you.
You know how to appreciate me
I must stick with you, my baby.
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I must stick with you.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I didn't say half the things I wanted to.

I think my new favourite dessert is creme brulee.
Got lost yesterday from Annabella's house and ended at Vivo. Probably the heavens telling me to shop. I obeyed it, of course.
Today woke up with my right eye red and about 1/5 the size of my left eye.
Couldn't possibly go to school looking slightly deformed so faked the pain and went back to sleep.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Helloooo everyone! (: Friday had a bomb of a time. Went to Ruthie's house to do CAC to think of taglines for our poster. We were doing on the hole in the ozone layer, so we came out with stuff like, " Behold, the hole", "Holey Moley", "In my world, holes don't exist in the ozone", "Do Michael Jackson proud- Heal the World". In the end, settled for, "Sewing is In", as in, sewing up the ozone layer. Was so proud of ourselves. HAHA. Then went for guitar class, was supposed to rush for WS's and Den's musical but mum lost the way like five times I was damn annoyed after that. Hahaha. Arrived at the church like seven minutes before the end. Still, it was fun. Good job, super proud of both of you! (: Though I didn't see anything. Haha.

Breakfast with Alex Nathan and Steph, haven't seen them in two years. They're cool with their american accents!
I should have never switched my oral time with Julia. Her register number is three. Haven't had English orals since PSLE.

I do want my love story.

Haven't had such a raining evening like today's. My fingers are peeling because of the guitar. It's became so hard. Haha, man fingers! And it's only my left hand.